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this is an update on the smaller size ,at least on the pixel art side of things , since the programmer and i floundered around a bit about the correct implementation of an idea that took quite a lot of back and forth to finally get right.

On the fenris high side of things ,as you can see in the video, the programmer implemented cutscene character manipulation and map transitions. In the video you can see him playing around with the feature with some unexpected results- I kind of like the idea you could be in a location only accessible during a cutscene and choose to nab something while your character moves through it? it's kind of a weird idea and maybe it could make things a bit confusing and frustrating, but i'm seriously debating whether to keep it or not XD

so, the pixel art thing: the programmer asked me for a group of orcs and dwarves performing a sort of ceremony during wich they bang their spears to the ground and slap their chests and bellies in sync with a song.

so i kind of went with my instinct and spent yesterday drawing some boyos

since these dudes live inside of a volcano i figured it would be cool if they wielded these kind of obsidian /volcanic glass spears instead of normal run of the mill spears

also drew the dwarf group. You can maybe notice both these dwarves and the orcs are smaller than the usual sprite size the project has, this is because they'll be mostly far in the background doing their thing.

anyways the programmer wasn't too enthused by the orcs animation, he preferred the spears to be regular spears and the guys to be a bit more uniform in their pose

and so i went back to the drawing board and spent most of today drawing them as he requested. The result is a bit... weird?

the programmer also thought so and asked me to maybe try to modify the old orc group animation so they didn't have the thick spear and had their eyes more obscured by the shadows projected by the lava below.

in the end it's likely we'll mix and match the two groups for variety, unfortunately this took most of my time for this week and didn't produce something particularly interesting visually so i apologize for that, but i suppose this is part of the process of collaborating with someone? 

so that's p much it for this week peeps, hopefully next time i'll manage to show something more exciting. See you next time !


2024-03-02 18-31-52



I think you should keep the cutscenes feature. It would have me looking at each moment to see if I could swipe something, and make going over a cutscene more exciting.

Neth Rusiki Azhti

idk who's speaking in this video, BC or his programmer, but his voice is hot and they deserve a smooch on the cheek.