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augh, this update is even smaller than the last one! >_< i'm sorry peeps, not sure why these teensy weensy animations are taking so much out of me, maybe i'm just a bit burnt out?

anyways, for fenris high we made a nice title screen and the programmer is working as we speak to implement sounds and music into the game wich were sorely lacking. He should update me by the weekend, so next time i'll be able to show that and hopefully more?

as for what i did... well, it's still these lil guys banging their chests and bellies and spears. This time it's the dwarven side of the ceremony

i'm not sure if the programmer wants more of these to be drawn, but i kind of expect them to be copy pasted to create a big crowd, hopefully that's all he needs.

after animating them attending the ritual, the programmer told me some of them will actually break down crying while the ceremonies go on, i imagine what they're attending is pretty emotional for them.

i managed to finish one of the dwarves breaking down and his buddy consoling him

but i only managed to sketch one orc. This guy is more of a mix of frustration and powerlessness than just abject despair. But yeah ,just outlined it.

aaand yeah,that's all i have, but rn i'm feeling super tired so i think i'll call it a day. Hope you liked these tidbits nonetheless! catch you next time peeps!




João Lacerda

If you are feeling burnt out, you should take a break

Robert Smith

Awww these are such cute dwarves! And yes, agreed with the other comments, if you need a break don't be afraid to put aside some time for yourself!