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Hey all, I've got some alterations that will take effect starting September, mainly the removal of the $20 tier, the increase of discount for the $10 tier and in addition to the uploads coming in just a little bit for the pictures I made this month.

Thank you to those who participated and joined in the OC sketch piles on Discord, it's been a good source of experience for me and has helped me grow as an artist the past 3 years or so, so I hope you liked the results as well - maybe I'll open it up again at a future date but for now I'm interested in switching gears to produce more finished illustrations and commissions.

Patreon has taught me a lot as well, the limits of my abilities and the general focus I can commit to, it hasn't always been a perfect mix but I'm aiming to produce better artwork as always.  Essentially my best work only comes out when I'm more free than I've currently committed to, and I'll be editing the tiers to reflect that aspect.



YO Commissions???


Yeah what commissions shoot i got to get with it !!