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I’ve been getting a bunch of comments and asks about this and I think I really should have some kind of goal for when I hit my first patreon goal. Since I want to be more consistent I’m thinking about a weekly robin and the gang piece, more personal content, or Sunday comics so I can slowly move away from comms. 

of course I’d only have time for 1 to be consistent but here are the choices

Weekend Whoas: short strips or just pieces for me to vent and probably make terrible jokes with my sona and other OCs and a chance to answer any questions you guys may have

Sunday strip comics: exactly that, short horizontal comics mainly of the cast doing things. attempts at humor, occasional lewd

Saturday Streaking: pretty much me drawing a piece of an OC or other being an exhibitionist.



Weekly robin please 😤, one of the best OCs out there


saturday streaking for da exhib life <3


Weekend or Sat are both really good fine with either but cast my vote just to get an outcome


I hope we get one of one of exhibitionist being invisible. Idk why but that’s ALWASY been extremely hot to me