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So I have no idea what was wrong with Patreon, but it suddenly started working again. Basically what has been happening is that the Patreon Bot hasn't been removing patrons as they stop subbing. Aka basically giving them a free membership. I hate to be a grouch, but if it wasn't for amazing people willing to pledge to me, I wouldn't be doing this.

In an attempt to fix this, I was going to remove the bot and then re-add it in hopes it would remove everyone who wasn't pledging. Instead it only removed some people and kept a ton of people who aren't paying. When I tried re-adding it, it kept giving me a failed message.

It finally started working just now and I am working to get everyone back in. If it does not automatically add you back in, you may need to disconnect and reconnect your discord to patreon. There is a link on how to do that pinned to my page or a simple google search will help you.

I also went ahead and added new roles in the server and renamed the tiers. I was having issues with people not understanding roles, my bad, so I have them all worked out to match the tier title. I hope this helps!


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