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Okay guys so thank you for pledging, it means a lot to me c: I cannot say that enough! But I have run into a bit of a wall here. Since Patreon for whatever reason still has charge up front in beta, I can't avoid the flood of theft I face here every month. It seems anytime I make a post, there are 5-10 new people signing up in mass to steal my content and leak it. It's such a problem that it's left me highly uninspired when it comes to creating content for this Patreon.

I have a second Patreon though (yes this is allowed), one that is more for the other fetishes aside from diapers. It's extremely active and I am CONSTANTLY making content for it. Why? Because I can charge up front, which highly reduces theft.

So basically what I'm looking for is for all of you to make the switch to my other account. For those of you who signed up after the 1st, you can sign up now and this Patreon account will not charge you. And if it does, I will refund you. For those who have been here since before the first, please re-pledge to the other account whenever. I will either refund you this month or the next.

Please, check it out! All the rewards will be the same c: Not only that, but you'll have instant access to tons of older pieces as well!





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