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(XiYao曦瑶向) 敛芳择君谣 - LianFangZeJunYao

Illustrator 插图绘师:Minoru Joeling (我自己Myself) Weibo 微博:https://www.weibo.com/minorujoeling Twitter 推特:https://twitter.com/minorujoeling Lofter:http://minorujoeling.lofter.com Facebook脸书:https://www.facebook.com/minorujoeling Thank you for allow me to use her song as my video clip. 感谢凌之轩授权。 演唱/和声:凌之轩 Sing by: LingZhiXuan Weibo微博:https://www.weibo.com/1378236401/EFmo0yEv2?type=comment#_rnd1566635123098 Kugou酷狗:http://5sing.kugou.com/lingzhixuan/default.html 网易云:https://music.163.com/#/album?id=79016380 QQ音乐:https://y.qq.com/n/yqq/album/003yDeEP07loha.html 荔枝音乐:https://www.lizhi.fm/568223/2597327504252354054 敛芳择君谣 —《魔道祖师》曦瑶同人曲 Song name: LianFangZeJunYao (a song between LanXiChen and JinGuangYao) 策划:图小圣 原曲:蜀山·奇缘-轩·爱歌 填词:图小圣(@等樱花开的松树_小圣) 后期:虎斑传媒 I made this video for A-Yao, a hateful, pitiful, unfortunately character. 这是我对阿瑶的怜惜。一个可恨,可怜,可惜的孩子。 There is no purely good and purely bad. 没有纯粹的好人,也没有纯粹的坏人。 Everyone has their story. 每个人都有自己的故事。 I apologies if I drew any mistake in this video. 如果有什么画错的地方敬请原谅。 This song lyrics basically is about the perspective of LanXiChen to JinGuangYao. 这首歌感觉上是以蓝大的视角在看阿瑶的故事。 "We first met at YunPing, and be separate by death at YunPing" (LanXiChen was saved by MengYao at YunPing during Wen Sect burn Cloud Recess) “于云萍初遇 - 自云萍永诀” “问灵等不到的回应,夜猎时身旁再没有的身影,是不是也可以相信着,纵是碧落黄泉,终有相逢那天?” Thank you for watching my video. 谢谢耐心看完。 Not very good doing video editing. QvQ 我对做视频没什么信心。



it's so amazing that someone wrote and recorded a song for xiyao.... and that YOU made a full video art of it. More than I can ask for. Every meaningful piece of art in the video hit me so hard.


OMG.. Thank you so much, XiYao always hurt me so much but I still treat them like my first love

