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hey it's the treat song i said i'd post last week! 

i gave the treat site a makeover yesterday so there's some fun stuff on it now too...! wahaha! enjoy!!!!



Brooding and spooky. It reminds me a bit of Tim Burton films, or the music from 'I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream'. The site's new look is good! Simple and clean, and it tells people what they need to know. I like how there are so many links to all the connections with everything else you've made, that visitors can explore if they choose to. Gives them an idea of just how much you have to offer!

Alejandro Santa Maria

It's awesome you're making unique music for such hidden content, that theme for the Bad End 1 was great too!

Craftyboi 360

Oho? Is this the bad end for ch6? Are we finally going to unmask the vandal of treat and mochis garden?? Perhaps see the return of "Date mochi" Im brimming with excitement~~☆

Craftyboi 360

Oops~ didnt read the prior post before this I see my questions have already been answered 😅