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finally finished the vid for this!!!!! gonna do a little youtube premiere tomorrow afternoon at 3:00PST, but i wanted to share it here first since i kept mentioning it before now! so happy to finally share!!!

some backstory on this track: i've mentioned this a few times before, but music can be a bit of a struggle for me at times, so i often end up writing lyrics to songs i can hear in my head but that i don't quite have the skills to make real... i thought it would be nice if someone else could handle the music so i could just have fun tuning the vocals. and that's where jaelights swooped in and generously offered to throw lots of random songs at me so i could write lyrics to them if i wanted! she makes music all the time and i think all her songs are great, so this was like... AN AWESOME CHANCE FOR ME.....

as for the subject matter, we had been commiserating about being artists online and the pull (and near necessity) of social media. how when you post something, it's easy to get caught in a loop of refreshing various sites/feeds waiting for comments or shares to roll in to validate you. it's addictive, and you often just end up feeling empty like no amount of compliments is enough. so i wanted to write a song about that feeling, and i thought it was perfect for teto to sing too, with her image as an idol struggling to be recognized (she finally became a real* vocaloid tho!! so happy for her!!!!!)

anyway, hope you guys enjoy this one! zip includes:

  • song + instrumental version (mp3 and wav) update: added a second mp3 for the instrumental without the guitar solo
  • fullsize cover art
  • and lyrics

links to follow jaelights' music: youtube / bandcamp

thanks for your support!

<3 nami



Aaaaaa....... I think this is easily the most resonant song for mineself that you've made so far, though one or two others are pretty intense in that sense too...... But GODDDDDDD yeah. Yeah....... Between "Is there nothing left? Felt a tinge of regret" and "Just like a slot machine dictating how I'll feel today" + its following lines, I'm just like........ gaaghghghghgh. I mean the rest of the lyrics are pretty intense too in a way, but y'know!!!!! Y'know......... The feeling of checking for interactions on your creative stuffs and being struck by either some disappointment if there's nothing or some intense emptiness once the high of checking said notification wears off is..... really such a couple of feelings, y'know. If only the joy of seeing an interaction weren't so ephemeral (or perhaps so wanted), but alas. ON AN UNRELATED NOTE, WHA. I didn't know Teto was made into a Vocaloid, woh. Gotta love that her debut there was announced near April Fools' too, pff. CONGRATULATIONS TETO!!!!!!! But ya.... EXCELLENT SONG. ALL I CAN SAY TO THE LYRICS IS JUST A BUNCH OF "YEAH"S WHILE LISTENING....... WELL WORTH THE WAIT!!!!


Mmmm, nice! Good lyrics, they sum up some pretty relatable feelings cleverly, and with brevity. Good music, too! Relaxing but also bouncy, something you can nod your head along to. I also like how there are breaks in the song, where there's just music and no singing. It's best to have those kinds of pauses in songs to pace them out and give them a more varied sound. Well done, you, and well done Jaelights! :)