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Hello, all!
This is an announcement to let you know that Ko-fi is live for monthly subscriptions!!! 😊

Important Facts:

Patreon takes 8% while Ko-fi takes a small, flat fee. Thus, through Ko-fi, more of the support will add to the MM coffers and Terry Jerky Fund. 🥳

Chapter Reading:
Ko-fi supporters will get their content via read-only Google docs, linked through Ko-fi.
(At the moment, I cannot post the chapter text within Ko-fi, so the chapters are linked through Tier-specific "Tables of Contents")

If that is not for you, I completely understand.

My Suggestion:

If you think that reading via Google Docs might work for you, please go try it out! 😁

Ko-fi currently has Wednesday’s upcoming Patreon chapters for each of the tiers!
(After Patreon updates on Wednesday, Ko-fi and Patreon will have the same chapters, going forward.)

What to do once you try?
If you don’t like it, let me know and I will refund you.

If you do like it, cancel Patreon before the end of the month, to continue your support uninterrupted and without extra charges!  🥳

May the New Year be full of blessings for you all.

Your readership and support is what makes Millennial Mage possible.

Best Regards,



2 thoughts: • please post an old chapter on g docs so we can try without a big purchase + request refund process if it's too rough? • I wonder if kofi + discord might do this better — post advanced chapters into channels with only the paying tier allowed in?


Good idea! Here's 368: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e9fvllFKoMknCNIJ49cIbv1IfNOVEogKjLwkBgy35uU/edit?usp=sharing


My previous experience with google docs was the Young Master fiction, where the docs are set to editing suggestions, which made them extremely hard to read comfortably. I think I ended up downloading them en masse and converting them to a single EPUB via Calibre in order to read them without having the press the page down key or deal with light/dark mode changes; I read on a desktop or laptop PC most of the time. Plus, I'm already supporting here annually, so any change would be a long ways off.


If it factors, when it matters for you, the docs are set to view only. No comments should be in there at all. 😁