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Hello all, 😁


Starting in October, Millennial Mage will have twelve chapters per month. The purpose of this is to give me ~one day off each month.

I will do my best to keep you informed as to what day will not have a chapter.

I am still really enjoying writing Tala's (and Terry's) tale, and I don't plan on ending her story anytime soon.

There are a lot of fun things in the pipeline, and I hope to share more with you all, soon! 😊


There will be no post on Oct 20th on any either RR or Patreon.

My wife has her surgery scheduled that day, and I want to be able to give her and my family my full attention.

She isn't anticipated to have a long convalescence, so no more than that single day will be missed. (Yeah for flex day off!) 😋

Rest assured: I will take more time if needed, and regardless, I will keep you all in the loop.

Best Regards,



Wishing luck, courage & skill however needed for the surgery! Schedule is all fine by me; I normally don't notice changes anyway because I follow multiple stories. :)