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When we get 1000 Reviews/Ratings on Amazon for Millennial Mage, Book 1 -Mageling, I will give EVERYONE an extra chapter release.

Royal Road and every tier of patreon will get an additional chapter release (the next one in sequence), once we hit 1000 reviews/ratings on Amazon.

You all have already read the material. It is chapters 1-40 on this very story, which it seems that you enjoyed enough to keep reading for more than an additional 200 chapters. 😉

While I would love it if every review was 5-stars, I request that you make your rating/reviews accurate to your experience. 😁

Rate/Review here (No purchase necessary):

[Reviews on Amazon really do help a TON with visibility on the site and allow me to keep writing and making these books.]

Thank you for joining me on this exciting adventure!!! 😊

Best Regards,



Whatever "global reviews" are on Amazon, mine just brought it up to 38 apparently.


German reviews +1 :)


Amazon "global" reviews is just your region. 😁 There were 118 last night total across all the regions I checked. You all are doing awesome!


Had to read the whole book on the app on my phone so I could rate it since I didn't want to write a review. To be fair I was going to read it anyways, but it took the phone app to get the rating and not the cloud reader.


Left a review - I tried to be as honest as possible. I like Millennial Mage a great deal - but it does start off a bit slow/coincidental when it comes to establishing the status quo.


Honesty is what I'm looking for. 😊 I am anything but a perfect writer, and I don't want people to buy my book under false pretenses. Thank you for the review, and for your support here. 😁

Ocean Breeze

Hey JL. Just wanted to give some feedback. My friend bought a soft-covered copy of the book, and he told me that it looks quite cheaply made. The cover is nice, but the typesetting is not very well done. He also told me that the binding looks poor too. Not trying to be harsh or anything, I love this and I've been reading it since almost the very beginning, but I thought you might appreciate the feedback. Also, and this is just a personal preference thing, I think it's stupid to have the author's name on top of each page. It makes more sense to have the name of the chapter up there, especially when each chapter has a unique and clever title.