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Hey all,

My family and I have been sick and under the weather in general from the middle of last week through the weekend. As such, I need to miss today's post for my sanity, among other things.

Our regularly scheduled releases should resume on Wednesday.

My apologies for the delay.

Thank you for your readership and patronage! 😊





No worries, take your time to get better


Aye, take care of yourself and your fam, nothing more important than your health (mental or otherwise).


yo the cold i got before charismas fucked me and my hole family up for more then 2 weeks and it wasn't even covid, stay warm and dont push your self.


Hope you all feel better soon everyone getting pretty sick atm. Wish we could all get those healing inscriptions


me too D: hope you all feel better soon!


get well!

Tataru Taru

Contains content which may be considered grimdark.

Molly Hopkins

Hope everyone gets to feeling better soon!


Take care and bundle up! Hope you all feel better soon


Darn! I was rather looking forward to today’s post. Oh well, we can wait, and it’s much better that you take care of yourself than pushing too hard and burning out. Hope you feel better soon!

Ocean Breeze

Thanks for letting us know. And thank you for taking care of yourselves above all. The last thing we readers want is for you to feel burdened by your writing.