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Hey everyone,

we hope you had a great week!

Let's get right to it!


That annoying glitch with the Outfits was actually a major thing and not a quick fix. It meant rewriting a lot of the customization code. The funny thing is, it does not show up in the Editor, only in the Build Version. So we did not notice it before. It has something to do with switching from UE4 to UE5 and deprecated code. Anyway, we got a fix 💪Oh, and we reduced the Build-Size from 5.27GB to 3.89GB. Also nice 😊

So please have a look at the current version (still 3.0), check if everything works (maybe delete the temp folder) for you and then we can hopefully tick that off our list:

=> PoseViewer Download Link  

There were some other bugs (Boobs not bouncing, Lip color change for Brittany changed the face) that we fixed along the way. Thanks a lot for testing and reporting 🥰

Treasure Island:

We have a new build for you here with an implemented car. You can shoot it, crash it, etc. It´s great fun 😁

Some notes about this build:

  • Swimming is broken
  • Interactions between player/vehicle and grenades are WIP
  • Weird Water effects/Splashes on the Veranda 
  • Glass doors of driving levels slow down performance 
  • Toss grenades by holding G and releasing, you must have grenades equipped in the hot bar (hold 5 to open the radial menu after having gathered grenades). And, for now, you must pick up a grenade as a weapon and then grenades as ammo in order to be able to use them. That of course will be changed in the future!

=> Treasure Island Car Demo 

We also tweaked the Menu a bit, is more responsive now. We added DLSS to the Settings so you can play around (NVIDIA Card required) to see if you get more frames without affecting the look too much.

We also added the option for Polygon Hair in the Settings (not dynamic yet, will be next time). The groom/strand based hair we have now is acting up a lot (motion blur!) but we wanted to keep it because it looks better with Photo mode. But yeah, you can choose now what you prefer.

Next, we will rework the Sex-System for the Sandbox mode. It will be heavily influenced by PoseViewer in terms of functionality. But of course improved. One major thing on my Wishlist is to be able to place multiple Poses in the scene for an Orgy 🥳

We also fixed and improved tons of other stuff, but the main thing for you is that you can now play around with the Car 😁 By the way, getting out of the car while driving is also planned at some point. But we don´t know yet when/how to do that. 

Episode 9 - Round 2:

We now have 3 poses and I plan to have a push-in Creampie for the last one. The total runtime will be around 5 minutes. I already started working on those. I do not have a Release date yet, because we will then also need Voice-Overs, Sounds, etc. And we all know how long that can take 🙄

Visual Novels:

Things are a bit slower than expected in developing the story for those, but we will get there. We do have one for Christmas 2024, but before that, I would actually like to create another one as Proof-of-Concept. I will keep you posted. 

Interview Trinity:

Script is finally done, I also even already have the Voice-Overs of the Interviewer. Trinity's part will probably be recorded in 2-3 weeks. Then we will create Motion-Capture animations for her, I will polish everything and then we finally have her answer some questions for you! 🥳 Guess end of March should be doable!


Alright, that´s it for this week! Enjoy driving around with the Car, try to break as much as possible and if you find bugs, please let us know! It's an early implementation so do expect bugs!

All the very best,
PM & Team



costa kingdown

the pose viewer game that is on steam is the same one that affects 3d, ?? I think it's better to buy it on Steam...

Robert D.

There are unfortunately some big clothing texture issues again. I'll shoot you an email with clips of me forcing the bugs.


Yes it is the same version. But 3.0 is not yet on Steam. We are ironing out the last bugs before we release it there as well.


Got your e-mail with the clips! Thanks for reporting! I do believe this one should be a faster fix! Fingers crossed 🤞