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here is the Dropbox Link as well, just in case Patreon is messing up the quality:


Enjoy :)




super good news, strongly on July 31


Looking great!


Really good job! Love the setting 😎


This swimsuit for Tiffany and Brittany is amazing hot


Amazing as always. Any chance we’ll get to see them grow in the dickinis?


very nice pics. and i lol'd at the 'SFW' version.

John Douglas

Really like the 3 pictures


I can´t answer questions about the movie, but we can definitely have missing features in the Movie-Maker bonus stuff


This... does put a smile on my face.


is it just me or the quality seems less than the previous episodes? like it looks less soomth and rendered. Still very impressed tho, and thank you for your work.


I agree with Henry on this, the poster and the clips we have seen, the render quality is not the same per the other episode that was done. I get more of a Brittany Home Alone type of wibe when looking at the graphics. Hair looks more like plastic, skin has way more shine too it, edges looks more rough etc... Like this is some really amazing work, but looking at it render wise, it looks lacking if am gonna be honest here. Like was this done in a different render engine or?


yeah i think the 3rd episode is the best in terms of visual quality, much more refined than this


Why I switched to realtime rendering: https://www.patreon.com/posts/38668216

Josh Logan

Amazing! LOVE the suits!!!

Geoffrey Hill

Hi I just wanted to let you know you need to check all the day time images of the 3 characters together as there seems to be some issues of white ? around the right hip strap area of the character on the left as it appears on all of the photos in day time but not on any of the night time photos you can see it quite clearly right below


Oh thanks, I missed that! That's an artefact from motion blur from the frame before. That won't happen in the final version. Thanks for pointing that out, very attentive :)

Geoffrey Hill

well I was paying very close attention to the image when I was zooming the image :)