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I just recently (also because of tax and fee stuff that's going on right now) thought about increasing the lowest tier to 2$. I also talked to fellow creators and they advised me to do so. 

But before I do that I wanted to ask you first if that´s ok! 

The idea behind it is, that  1$ results in $0.67 in my pocket. With $2 I get to keep $1.64 -  and that’s over twice as much! So 2$ instead of 1$ should not hurt that much, but I actually get a lot more out of it because of the smaller fee. 

Would that be ok for you? 


Edit: We already have quite a lot of votes and opinions on that topic and I decided to unpublish the 1$ tier and have a 2$ tier as lowest tier for new patrons. That means that everyone who is in the 1$ tier can stay there and nothing changes for them. 

If you can manage to move up to the 2$ tier, please do so, if you want to stay in the 1$ tier, that´s also fine :)



It should mean "stick" and not "tick" but Patreon won´t let me correct that....


I say go for it, but i'm also a member of a higher tier, so take my vote and opinion for what you will. ;)

Steve Osborne

How many $1 patrons do you have right now? It might be worth checking with other creators who did the same what kind of drop rate they had when they moved $1 to $2 and check the math to see if a similar drop would hurt or if you’d still be in the black based on the higher rate you’d keep. If the math all works out, it totally makes sense to move ahead with it.


Steve makes a very good point.PM... If you learn from other creators that they did the same thing - and they share with you that they lost many Patrons - it might not turn out well for you or anyone else that changes the lowest tier (especially in these current times with many experiencing financial hardships). Just my opinion though - from another angle.

Lucian I. Last

I didn’t know there was that distinction between $1 and $2, will definitely move up

Geoffrey Hill

Honestly I would have put the Lower limit at $5 myself as that would definitely help you more wouldn't it ? And plus it helps you with giving us extras during the month in compensation :)


As a Tier 1, 2$ sound reasonable to me 😉


From my personell perspective it's OK. But from the economic perspective you get approx. 150% more, (like other creators). Im not sure if the value that I will get will also increase by 150%!?


It means that people like me who support a lot of creators, but only with 0,67$, will be driven to cut the support to some creators if the trend will continue to move from 1 to 2$. The losers will be the creators who are very talented but still at the beginning of their career. Because I will be forced to focus on the more established studios. I know that we talk about 1$, but the impact can be more significant than you think.


To be honest I like supporting you puppetmaster with a dollar every month for the updates alone and buying your releases from AF3D. I completely understand if you go to 2$ you get a bigger cut but for some of us supporters it does make a difference. I support multiple creators ranging from 1$-5$.Some months go up past 5$ when they have something special to release for their higher tiers. So to be honest I don't know if I could afford 2$ for you and keep paying for every release. A extra dollar may not be much but it adds up so instead I can just stop supporting here and save the 2$ for the releases instead. I have also seen other creators I support drop the 1$ tier. Some just dropped it without telling their supporters. Another one dropped it but let the people who have been supporting at the 1$ tier stay their as long as they keep supporting like me. Well thats my opinion.

Sam Pile

FYI I don't believe any taxes would apply to your bottom line - it would only affect the charges that patrons receive.


You work hard. I'd be fine with supporting the increase.


I currently pay $1.23 due to being in Ireland which has a 23% VAT rate. Changing to $2 means it will be $2.46. it's not a whole lot but I'm sure many support a lot of creators with the $1.00 option. It doesn't seem much but it will add up if they support multiple creators who switch. Is that the creators fault? No, absolutely not and I completely understand why you or other creators would adopt this new pricing tier but I would expect some to drop their pledges entirely. Like other comments have mentioned, talk to other creators who have made such changes and see if they experienced a negative or positive impact. Personally I pledge higher when there's a release then drop to the lowest tier to continue supporting the creator whilst managing my own finances. I'm not saying I'll stop supporting because I love your work, but I may not be able to have a pledge every month


Absolutely. I honestly believe you are one of the best at what you do, so more $$ is not a problem. I would say you are generous to your patrons, and more support means we get more of what you do. Win win.


why don't you put both levels? in my case due to my salary, which is volatile, one month I can pay without problems 5 and others it costs me to pay 1. You can add both and so everyone wins.


The others said it was going well, as long as you communicate it to your supporters


Well 5$ is too much for people that are here because they are interested in helping but not wanting any rewards. So I think a lower tier is definitely necessary.


Honestly I would know how to increase the value to 150% compared to 1$ rewards. We have the next tier with 5$ for videos and high-res pics. The lowest tier is really for people that just want to help a bit and stay up to date.


But if you cut the support for people that raise the tier to 2$ you can still pledge to those who just start and have 1$ as their lowest tier.


Oh I think that is a very good idea! I can just unpublish the 1$ reward tier. Which means that everyone who is already in that tier can stay and does not get "kicked out". And all new patrons will not see the option for 1$ but then 2$.


I have to pay taxes in Austria from any income in general. But the tax that you have to pay on top of your pledge does not end up on my account. I just get x-amount of money and have to pay around 50% tax&insurance in Austria.


I will "mute" the 1$ pledge for new supporters and add the 2$ tier as default lowest tier for new supporters.


2 is not a problem. I hope it does not increase every month by another 2 ...

Lucian I. Last

What of having a yearly tier of 15$/month?