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Hey everyone!

I hope you had a great week. Mine was super busy on one hand, with lots of things to take care of because of Corona, and a lot less hectic on the other hand because of the lock-down. A very weird mix this week... I did not have enough time yesterday to prepare the update properly so I delayed it one day.  

BHA PC will be released on Steam! The product page is already approved, now it´s only a matter of time for them to approve the build itself. I hope it all works out. Aimed release date is the 10th of April. 

There will also be a release on Affect3D at the same day, and we are currently looking into the Patreon API to unlock things with your membership directly. I still think it´s better to own it either on Steam or on A3D, but it´s another nice to have for authentication. For Demos for example that will first be released on the higher tiers and then changed to lower ones. Also, for the upcoming game it's definitely a good thing to have. 

Here is my Steam page:
LINK => Puppetmaster Steam Page  

And as promised I have an update of the Episode 5 set with a nice "Drone-Flyby" :) It´s still not final, but there is not a lot left. I really like the look and feel :)

LINK => Episode 5 Set Movie Update  

Oh, and before I forget: I am working super hard on the previz for Episode 5. Once that is done, I will start with the animation. 

And somewhere inbetween I will also update you with a nice pose of the poll we had. I did not forget about it, I am just super busy creating the other content for you ;)

Alright, that´s it from my side. I will now take the time and relax and recover on the weekend. 

Have a nice one and stay safe! 

All the best,



John Douglas

Wot a masterpiece looks awesome I really hope when it comes out I can watch it my phone hope there is a lick out scene they are dam hot to see 🙌🙌👏👏


The set looks really good, like a Maldives kind of feel too it. And I just followed the steam page. Can't wait! Stay safe!


You really spend time on these environment. There are so many detail of object and place to use. Beach, Reef, Jacuzzi, Cocktail bar, Pool, Beach chair and so on... Too bad it couldn't fit everything in only one EP. (I think) Well, you will put them in later game. I know it. :) By the way, what fps in movie update?

Bob Fink

Looks so beautiful, can't wait for the release.


Aaaaaaand, follow!


Ich frag mich, wie du das auf Steam bekommen hast, oder wirds am ende zensiert?. Seis drum, ich bin gespannt auf alles neue :D


I had help with it, I couldn´t do all that alone and animate stuff. But I think it´s definitely worth it. And yes, I will re-use stuff in the game :) The movie has 60fps


Auf Steam gibt´s schon einiges an Adult Games, ich bin da wahrlich nicht der Erste :)


Looks fantastic man. Keep up the good work, don’t rush and take your time!


Hi sieht super aus bisher, freue mich schon,wie sieht es gesundheitlich aus,alles soweit im Lot?


I cannot wait. That looks sooo good. I am constantly impressed by your production value PM. Heck, even the music choice is great. ^_^


Danke! Ja alles ok bei mir & der Family. Gott sei dank. Ich hoffe bei dir auch soweit!


Your production is amazing


That's a beautiful location for a vacation hehe ^_^ As great as your production value and storytelling always is, I can't wait! :)

John Douglas

Will there be any new character


This looks really good. Have you though about a certain place where the action will take place? Like specifically on the lounge chairs by the pool or will the girls move around? How will the unity movie work? Will there be customization, like which girl does what? If so, how will this affect the story and dialogue. Like Trinnity saying 'I want to suck your dick' only to give us control and reverse the roles wouldn't fit well.

Alex White

Well done! I'd love to spend a week in such paradise corner :)


The way I have it in mind is really like a movie with some options to choose from. I think at the beginning there will be some customization so you can choose the hair colour, makeup and so on. Then there will be decisions like "Anal or Pussy Penetration?". I won't do (at least in this Episode) things that change the story. That would be just too much work. I think it would also be nice to be able to choose between Day/Night-Time. But really see it as a movie like the other episodes, with a bit more. It´s not a game and it won´t be as interactive as a game. This is a first test for lowering piracy, testing the technology, testing how people like it (so far I got very good feedback) and finaly: how it sells. This is pretty ground-breaking for me with a lot of new technology and a completely different approach to "movies". That´s why the story is also rather simple, without any traps, dangers and so on :) They just relax after having a tough time in Cairo ;)


dafür bräuchte ich jetzte nur noch nen weiteren steam account XD


Wird auf Affect3D auch erhältlich sein ;) - It´s going to be available on Affect3D as well!


I love your work! I'm sure I'm in the minority but I will personally never by porn on Steam. I want the porn I watch to be separated from the games I play. There are friend lists, titles owned lists and other shared things on Steam that are only one click way from being shown to the wrong people. Further I don't really want Steam customer service looking through the list of titles I've bought when I have problem with a certain game and seeing a list of porn. Anyway, I know I'm in the minority but just sharing


And that's why it will be available on Affect3D as usual ;) I have exactly the same issue with that. I just wanted to reach a, hopefully, broader Audience on Steam. But I totally feel you and that´s why I will always sell my stuff on Affect3D. They are anyway my main platform and Steam is just a test.


WOW! Never knew you had a YouTube channel!!


When you said that episode 5 wouldn't be as big as 4, you were thinking of something lighter. But this looks like it will be quite 'fat' a pool, my crazy ideas soar xc


Well the story will be only in one place (not 4 like in EP4, Desert, Trap, Throneroom old, Throneroom new) and they relax. So no dangerous traps or stuff like that :)