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Hey everyone!

Time for an update :)

So, I have been very busy the past 2 weeks and can present to you an optimized playable version from the Episode 4 Throneroom. That should run at the same FPS like the Museum. And oh boy, I really like the look... I also improved the shaders of all 3 girls a bit (better normal maps for closeups, improved skin details). It´s minor stuff, but it is noticeable when you look closely. More fine skin details and stuff. Just adds to the overall look.

And for those who can´t play it I made a 4k@60fps Video for you. You can grab both the playable and movie here:

=> LINK 

So I am more or less done with my R&D Phase and will start pre-production for Episode 5 beginning of March. That will roughly take around 1 month and then I go into full production with final animations, set design, outfit design/modeling and so on. And of course, I will keep you posted along the way. 

For the next update, I plan to have a playable PC version for all the 3 sets with some settings, for example: 

  • Resolution Selection
  • Scene Selection
  • Graphics Optimization
  • Switch from free Camera to Cutscene (and the other way around)
  • Improved free Camera (with a slider for movement speed)
  • Slider for Wetness/Oilyness of the characters (not 100% sure though)

So that should wrap up the performance test and you guys have something to play with ;)

Enjoy the new Movie, the PC build and please let me know if it runs well on your machines! 

All the best,



John Douglas

4k works like a dream graphics are am really liking that the character look more real awesome work I have 4k on my phone works my phone can be at 1080p


What do you mean by "scene selection"? Can we expect more poses? :OOO


Other than that when really close up the demo runs at around 25-30 fps, from a bit farther it's around 45, 1440p 970 GTX. Very hot as always!!


No, I meant that I will have all 3 sets in one build. IF there is more time, I will add another pose to the throneroom. But I can´t promise that now.


Wow, 25-30 fps on 1440p on a 970gtx is really not that bad! Can you set your screen resolution to 1080p and let me know the fps?


If you are switching to a software based mechanism, is there any way you could think about supporting VR?


That would be a totally different project then. I can´t develop a regular one with VR together. BUT: I would totally love to do a VR project as well! Maybe at least some poses, basically like what we have now for the testing stuff. I do not have (and can´t afford right now) a VR headset though... That´s definitely something I would like to look more into once EP5 is done. We might be able to convert it to a VR version (even without having a headset). I will talk about that with my coder friend.


Damn haha im locked at a solid TEN fps :( I thought my computer wasnt great but I didnt realise it was this far behind the times.


I don't normally comment, but this stuff is more of what I look for outside of the normal video content. Great work! Not that SA: The Game is terrible or anything, but it really does seem more like a "mobile game" experience in terms of presentation/design quality. A comparison people often make with Console/PC games vs phone games. But I do realize you're an animator first and not a game designer. Will also echo the VR stuff. If I could, I'd send you my barely used Rift that I planned on selling really cheap if it meant a higher chance of VR content. Sadly, I don't believe you're based in the US and overseas shipping costs are probably astronomical. A Rift would also probably mean it'd be harder to develop for the Valve Index (my VR headset of choice) controller compatibility in mind.


Yes, the SA-Game was indeed developed with constrains of Android & WebGL. The screenshots/new tests are solely for PC so I could raise the quality to the max :) I appreciate your offer but I am based in Austria and shipping (and most power socket connections) will definitely cost a fortune. Once I can afford a headset I would also love to get Valve Index... That would be soooo cool :)


Does the desktop version run on chrome os?


No, only PC/Windows. Later possibly Mac & Linux as well. I am not even sure if there is Hardware with Chrome OS that is capable of running that.