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Hey everyone!

We hope you had a nice week!

Let's get right to it 😉

Episode 9 - Round 2:

Duration will probably be around 7 minutes of new animation and 3 minutes of Flashback from the Cumshot of EP9. To remind people that something happened before 😉 So in total it´s going to be around 10minutes.

We will have 3 new poses and a creampie 🥰

I am making very good progress with the editing in Unreal and hope to have it all done end of next week so I can then add Sounds & Music and make the final version end of April/Beginning of May.

Trinity Interview:

Screengrab from Maya: 11400 frames! That´s 6,3 Minutes!

I did the Mocap cleanup of the Interview together with the EP9 stuff because I was already on it anyway. So there is not that much work left animation-wise other than polishing (Proper Eye-Direction, Fingers, Expressions, etc.). I have to create a new set and new sounds though. So once EP9-R2 is done, I will tackle that. There might be some delay for the Interview Release because I have to also deliver content to the coders for Treasure Island. They should not be waiting for stuff from me. But it´s worth the wait, the Interview is going to be great 😊

Treasure Island:

Once EP9-R2 is done I will start blocking the Village (El Zafira by the way ) 😁Part with the story/gameplay relevant buildings and continue with Character designs for the most important NPCs in El Zafiro.

Coding wise we also make great progress cleaning up all the features/stuff we already implemented. There is still a lot under-the-hood stuff that needs to be properly organized and we are doing that right now.

We also already implemented all the 4-some poses and next will be the "film-maker" approach (what we had in EP5&6 where you could have several poses played after each other), better building settings and interactions and improvements of the UI for the Sex-System

PoseViewer Android:

Still working on that as well, no progress on that because the coder is currently taking a short break. He will continue end of next week. I hope we then also have something to test!


As you might have noticed Patreon numbers are more or less stagnating and we are struggling with money.  It's definitely good that we have Patrean and Affect3D and Steam as income sources, but a Team costs money and I do not want to reduce it even more. And it´s not that we are ineffective or too costly, you can see we get a lot done and the Team is really giving me very good prices for their work!

So we plan to come up with a marketing strategy for the content we already have, to spread the word and get more people on board. Fingers crossed that works out.

If any of you knows how to use WordPress, we could need some help with a new Homepage. Paid of course! Really super simple, just as a landing Page that directs people to Patreon, Affect3D & Steam if they want to purchase something. We are definitely not creating another Webshop. That was a tough lesson learned 🥴

So if you have Wordpress Experience and want to help (paid of course!) please send me a Message. With some Work examples also please so I know your skill-level. Thanks!

Alright, that´s it for this update!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead and enjoyed the update.

All the very best,
PM & Team



The Layman

Looking forward to Ep9! Looks as good as ever.

Lee Donnelly

Do the downloads work with MacBooks?


We officially do not support Macs. But a couple of guys, with newer Hardware, got it to run with an Emulator on their Macs. But that's only for the games! The videos work on any hardware of course 😊