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hi birbs,

so sorry for the last min cancellation 😭😭 it seems i am having a bad luck day, as there are sirens outside that have been going off for hours and also my phone is broken 😭

gonna just take tonight to review edits and do other work. the stream will happen on Monday as long as I can figure out my phone by then. 

i promise this stream is worth the wait!!!! i've worked so so hard on it and even learned new tricks to make it a seamless experience.

if you wanna help me out w my phone, you can dono to my wishlist here. zero pressure but always appreciated!!! <33 

see you on monday 🥺💜💋

art by merururuu




It’s ok Elle ❤️❤️ we will see you on Monday, hope everyone gets sorted out for you hun. We will always be here to support. All the love and hugs to you 💖💖.