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Here is this weeks peek at upcoming Brightshore content.




You can’t hear it, but I’m cheering.


Uh oh. Not looking good!

Jack Wolfe

Byland better save Bernice! Its up to him it seems


Byland, you better fix this!!


Yeahhh let's gooo transform her!


Oh damn. It's all down to Byland now!


After two months of waiting, it at least finally happened, and Bibi is now reborn, and now with the perpetrating book finally unchained from controlling Byland, the end becomes more closer to sight it, in which it could easily go two different ways, but who will win? The freed Byland? Or the preverted magical book? Find out next time on The Secret of Brightshore!

Alexis Ortiz

Dat Bimbonomicon literally went from "relaxed front seat spectator" to "LISTEN HERE YU LIL B$%#&" in da blink of an eye and IM LUVING IT! 😅

Double X Studios

The way it has some things set up, I expect to Byland to at least destroy the book. It all hinges on him. Still love the swirly eyes.❤️


Damn, i'm loving it so far, can't wait to see the next part ! Still worried about chels tho...but Bernice as a bimbo is also amazing~



Your Servant is Your Master

Sorry for the totally unrelated question, but can anyone think of a good post-TF name for a bimbofied TG character whose male name started with a 'B'? Asking for a content creator no one here has ever heard of (definitely probably maybe I dunno...)


Yesss! Make her an even bigger bimbo! Change her outfit, or even better, make it disappear!

Donald Diehl

Is someone else behind this whole thing?


I vote for multiple endings!

Your Servant is Your Master

Sorry, but I probably should have mentioned that this totally unrelated story is looking like its already gonna have a bimbo named "Bibi" (maaaybe?), so the name needs to be something else. Like the name Brandy though. You wouldn't know (since I'm talking about a totally unrelated story) but the name uses a lot of the same letters as the male character's pre-TG name.

Double X Studios

KOBI! When you color the art tomorrow, DONT forget to color Bernice’s nails. I suggest purple. 💅


Well, you’re not wrong with the assumption of there being a bimbo named Bibi, which that is basically Bernice’s Bimbo name, which was seemingly confirmed by Chelsea


I cant believe Im seriously cheering for Byland to save the day


I hope we get a timeskip a few weeks to see how far all the bimboness has progressed


Correction, it was actually Wintyr that came up with the name Bibi, it was on Chapter 4, Page 20, when the Bimboified Trio tried to make Chels reconsider about leaving Brightshore tomorrow


Considering that The Bimbonomicon is witnessing it’s decade long planned dream go up in smoke over a little connection like this, surely it would lose their composure very easily over a big misstep like this