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I’ve been thinking about this a lot very recently, trying to figure out how to balance between posting Art on social media, and posting on here. What do you want to see more of? Or prefer to see?

more rule 34?

more original characters?

more sketches or colored pieces?

feel free to make a comment and voice your opinion!



That's...hard. I enjoy all your work and just want more of it all regardless. Maybe more original work. Let's see what your mind can come up with up!


some R34 like Midna and the female pizzahoes are always nice to see


I enjoy all your work. But I do wish you finish that comic at the very least.


Your OCs are dope. But more booty in general is always welcome.


more Diana Desi and Duke incest. or just those three in general


more of your OCs would be great, but i'm always in it for desi, duke, and diana so i'm definitely biased beyond reason.


I prefer to see my favorite girls, like samus, morrigan, Gwen tennyson and many more!


I have a sketch or to planned for Midna! Been meaning to get back to pizza hoes as well.


Definitely more of your OCs +Midna, and more colored pieces for sure! It feels too long since I've seen Desi ❤


I’m here for desi seducing duke. I signed up for patreon to see that comic lol. More desi and incest ❤️


Something that I see artist do for their patrons, is exclusive alts and some exclusive art, I don't know if you have considered that Sorry for the bad English xd


Comics is what I'm hoping to see more of. Maybe bring back themes every other month?


I'm just hoping to see more random rule 34 stuff. Maybe some lesser known girls being included as well?