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“*sniff sniff* I love the scent of your shampoo.” “Why thank you it’s the new HEY WAIT A MINUTE!”

The sniping spy

She got thrown back the first time because she didn't have the iron boots equipped

Shawn K. Younkin

Not the worst place to find yourself!


I'm looking forward to this one


Clash of Kitty

Drew Cornog

Is this a panel?


Looks like she is strategically taking advantage of her slightly smaller size, positioning herself for an expansion thrust. This should be good.

David Rudisill

Bah Gawd, it ain't the size of the kitty hulk in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the kitty hulk, Jack! Sweet work so far!

Itchigo Icetalons

‘No matter the BULK, we’ll fit any kittyHULK!’ - Strretch! Sportswear for her.


God, I love the way you draw bulk, especially when it's still slightly soft bulk, it's sooo good.