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Please! We need a third option for both to grow at the same time


"Oooh baby, your hands are magic to my nipples! What's your secret?" "Lots of twin-stick shooters." "What?" "Nevermind."

Robert Williams

That ceiling isn’t going to last much longer 😁 “She canna take any more Capen!”

Tyler Schuster

Not much sleeping is happening here i see :P


And I feel she should always be either "in the lead" or about to be.

Savage Shark

just dont break the light.


I'm liking the comic so far, but there's something strange about their heads. It's like there's too much space between their eyes and their eyebrows, making the heads look too tall. It's unusual even when compared to the rest of his art, at least in my opinion.

Itchigo Icetalons

Thank you for being such great inspiration always.


A _very_ rare paizuri moment from JJ, heh. Hopefully our foxy guy actually finishes in between her boobs.