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I'm toying with the idea of peddling older content via Amazon's Kindle, perhaps as collected works, maybe two or three similarly themed comics per book. Given how much is available there; they certainly don't seem to have a problem with such material
What are people's opinion on such a move, and the Kindle platform in general?



I'll take it through whatever channel you publish in

Jay Aury

Not a bad idea. Even if it doesn't totally work out, or if you set up a regular online store for yourself, there's no reason not to try it out. I mainly publish fiction on Kindle, but there are some authors who have sold their comics there. Check with Udderscomix.

James Dougell

If so, I'd really love to see stuff at a higher resolution. I like using your stuff as backgrounds and wallpapers but I wish they were bigger (image size wise) to work with!


I'll look into what resolution I can bring images up to, though, for obvious reasons; I'm never going to exceed "print resolution".