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So, I hate to say it, but Naughty Magic is on hold for the time being. I wanted it to be a 'turn your brain off and write' type story I could work on whenever I needed a break from Demon Queened, but didn't want to work on a one-shot. (Or whenever I needed to force myself to work on something less serious, to avoid burn out and keep myself chomping at the bit to write Demon Queened.) But I let it get too convoluted in my head, and now I need to distance myself from it for a while - just so I can go back and start cutting all the extraneous stuff away, with a clear head.

Which brings me to the second part of this post - My Oni Love, a series I haven't worked on for five years. Most of you probably don't even know what it is, so as a refresher...

The core concept is that a girl gets reincarnated as an oni in fantasy/anime feudal Japan. In this world, oni gain power by eating people... Which the MC obviously wants no part of. But it's a dangerous world out there, and she does need strength! So she has the bright idea of, "What if instead of eating people, I ate girls out?"

It.... sorta kinda maybe works? Except not really?????? It keeps her alive! And if the girl has powers, she can use them to some degree... A much lesser degree... Mostly she just accidentally flirts her way in and out of trouble, though. And gets protected by her girlfriends, who are generally far more powerful than her... (She may eventually gain power. Or she may discover that her true power lies in her tongue... in more ways than one....) I'm planning to use it as a 'turn your brain off and write' series, like I said, so even I'm not sure where it's going to go just yet!

As mentioned, I started this series five years ago but I dropped it - mainly because I tried to write it with a Japanese MC for some reason, and I had zero confidence in my ability to keep doing that. So this time I'm reworking it, and going with an egg who gets femmed and doesn't freak out nearly as much as she thinks she should... And an American who gets sent to fantasy/anime Japan, in much the same way Japanese people are always getting isekaid to fantasy Europe. Specifically the land of Nihonnai, the name of which is definitely not a butchered pun of any sort. Nope. 

I've already finished reworking the first chapter - by which I mean editing what I had originally to bring up the quality some, and change a few things to match the changes I mentioned. Since I wrote the first 3 or 4 chapters forever ago, I don't think it'll take me too long to get the next couple chapters out... And maybe even publicly release the first one, once I've gotten up to chapter 3. Assuming it works out, at least. 

Like with Naughty Magic, I want to reassure everyone that this will not replace Demon Queened. If anything, it's meant to ensure I can keep writing Demon Queened. I absolutely love that story, after all - I'm just afraid of getting burnt out if I put all my creative eggs in one basket. (On that note, this one will probably be updated less frequently than Demon Queened. Mostly on an 'I have an idea!' basis. Though I might surprise myself? Depending on how quick/easy/fun the chapters are to write. The only real guarantee is that I won't let it interfere with writing Demon Queened, and sharing Devilla's journey with you all.)


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