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Hi. Still alive. The editing has been taking far longer than I hoped - mostly due to me still trying to find a proper balance between pushing myself enough to get things done, and not pushing myself so hard I burn out. And also because mental health issues keep popping up - I've been able to deal with them well enough (though I'm currently in for a really rough patch, due to medication changes) but the bigger issue is that it's hard to get back into the swing of things when things keep coming up like this.

I've pretty much got it edited up to the point where I'm doing the chapter break (after which I'm probably gonna focus on Devilla's chapter for a bit, since I've already gotten that started)  so I'm hoping I can post that soon. (It mostly just needs final touches, but I'm kinda fighting with my mental health in terms of getting those done. I can't really trust my judgement when my depression and anxiety is making me hypercritical.)


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