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Hi! Considering how I disappeared before, I wanted to make sure to check-in and let everyone know what's going on.

As I'm sure you all know, I recently finished the rough draft of chapter 14. Before editing it, though, I'm rereading the previously published chapters of Demon Queened. It's been a long time since I've done that, and the last time I did it I was still a bit burnt out - it's what made me realize that my burnt-out plotting had led me in a bad direction, too. So this reread is partially to make sure my current plans fit well enough, and partially to refresh myself on what I've established as canon, and on how I wrote the characters in the past.

I've already discovered that there's a lot of little details I've forgotten, and character quirks that sort of slipped my mind. (Some of those quirks fell by the wayside as the characters developed in my mind - like Abigail's masochism - but there's others I want to hit more. Like Devilla's more playful side, and how Abigail could be a touch overdramatic with her complaints. They've both been stressed out for the last few chapters, but I still want to keep it all in mind going forward.)

After I'm done, I do intend to go back and try to edit chapter 14. Depending on how it goes, though, I might choose to instead start working on chapter 15, and maybe 16. Just to continue shaking off the rust, and getting back in tune with the character voices, so that I can make everything flow more naturally. (Might end up editing chapter 1 of Naughty Magic, too? Will see.)

One way or another, more content is coming, and I'll be doing my best to keep everyone up to date.

(Naughty Magic = "Magical Girls" in their early 20s, an egg of an MC who admires them somehow ending up as their enemy (with a new form she's insisting is a bad thing), and the discovery that things are very much not what they seem.

Also, a bunch of kinks. Apparently seducing a bunch of antagonistic magical girls is the only way to save the world???

I wrote the first chapter to get myself back into the swing of things, but then couldn't keep myself from returning to DQ before I even finished editing it.)


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