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This one took a surprisingly long time, considering how short it was - think I just got myself caught in a loop of "didn't get writing done - berates self for not getting writing done - feels crappy so struggles to get writing done" for a bit, tbh. Need to work on that, but for now I'm just happy to say this interlude is complete~

...Actually, I was planning to go quite a bit further, but I really do think this is the perfect stopping point. If I wrote the next scene I'd end up splitting the focus. Plus, when I thought about the number of chapters and interludes left in this subplot, the timing works out just right. (And if I went as far as I originally planned, the length would go from interlude to full fledged chapter in any case.)

I've already sent it to my editor, and for the time being you can read the rough cut on my site or you can download it via box. 


Day Dreamer

Thanks for the new chapter, even raw. -- Been following you a long time on TGST, about time I started Patreon support. So any idea why McAfee warns me off your site? Using box instead, glad you make the story available that way too.


Thanks for the support! Hope you enjoy. I'm not entirely sure why McAfee hates it - but bitdefender used to have a problem with it, too. I think it might have to do with an old spam comment or two? They've been deleted, since, so I went and sent in an appeal.