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Edited, proofread, and ready to go!

You can download it here:  https://app.box.com/s/8n0kj953m5jnx1e6sr7njuuql9df9vmv

Or access it on my site, here: https://princesskay.net/wp/demon-queened-chapter-13/

Warning - The commentary I'm about to give is filled with spoilers, so I recommend reading the chapter, first!

I know I don't usually do much of an "author's commentary" on my chapters, but I think this one warrants it, seeing as it represents a bit of a landmark (at least from my perspective).

On top of Lucy being back in the mix – yay! - there’s the fact that we’re finally at the adventurer’s guild! Which I guess basically translated to, “Kay gets to do an exposition dump!” I hope you can forgive me for it, though – believe it or not, I did my best to leave a fair bit out, in favor of bringing it up when the info becomes relevant. I actually planned out the basics of the guild’s system and rules quite a while back, and have tweaked it several times since. I wanted to make something both functional and unique, so quite a bit of planning went into it! 

We also got a peek at what Devilla’s childhood was like, here. Her past is another thing I’ve spent a lot of time on, but I honestly didn’t expect it to come up here – it’s just where the story ended up going. I don’t want to give away too much, but I will say that we’ll be expounding upon this, and several other key events, over the course of the story. Just the occasional glimpse, here and there, for the time being, but long term… Well, you’ll see. :D

Anyway, the next chapter will actually be an interlude. It’ll be labeled chapter 13.5, and it will be written from Abigail’s perspective, as she continues her quest for peppermint oil! Please look forward to it~ 

I'd like to thank to my editor paradoxicalWitchling and my proofreader FallingLeaf, for all their hard work, and I'd like to thank my readers! Your views, favorites, and comments bring me so much joy!


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