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My friend proofread the story, and made a few suggestions - so I can now post the finalized version!

Happy to say I've also made some progress on chapter 13 - I started it in the past before running into writer's block (among other issues). It needed a lot of revising and editing, which I've done, and I've added a bit to it as well. I hope you'll look forward to its completion!

In the meantime, you can access chapter 12 

On dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bth23hg6pl6e0tt/Demon%20Queened%20-%20Chapter%2012.pdf?dl=0 

On my site: https://princesskay.net/wp/demon-queened-chapter-12/

(I tried to create a new file on dropbox, to preserve the old version, but the site wouldn't let me share it for some reason? So I resorted to updating the old one.)

ETA: My dropbox share links have stopped working for reasons not entirely known, but you can still download this story via Box - https://app.box.com/s/91nuvgcj8llgpln0hync2oqizpqkinz9