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So. I've actually been sort of delaying releasing this story, partly because I wanted to release something else first? Something that acts purely as a standalone... And which is a little less embarrassing... But I'm out of time, so.

Let me explain. As some of you might be aware, I started streaming as a hobby? And not only that, but dragging friends into it! I turned "Princess Kay" into a character, a somewhat evil princess who got sealed away in her Realm of Transformation by a group of magical girls known as the Gem Scouts, who are played by my friends.

And with Princess Kay now a character, and me being a smut writer.... I um... I sort of wrote some smut around her? DX DX DX DX

Specifically, me and Amethyst's player got together and roleplayed out what would happen if Princess Kay took a...shall we say, active interest in the Gem Scout? And then I edited that RP into a story.

I'd like to think it's fairly good - a bit closer to traditional porn/erotica than my traditional works since it's pretty much just 5,000 words of Princess Kay playing with Amethyst, but I found it enjoyable to work on, and hope you'll enjoy reading it all the same. It's just...also...super embarrassing....

Let this be a lesson to you all: don't give a character your own name if there's even a chance you're going to end up writing smut with them. DX.

Anyway, just going to stress that while Princess Kay shares a name with me, and is played by me, she is not in fact a self-insert. She's just a character that happens to have my name, because I was stupid. DX

...Though, to make things more complicated? The in-streaming-unvierse explanation of this story is that Princess Kay wrote it to tease Amethyst. As such, Amethyst will in fact be appearing on the 12/28/2021 stream - that's today, Tuesday, at 4:30 PM PST - to complain about the fact that Princess Kay wrote smut of her.

I intend to release a few of these stories - or rather, RPs edited into stories - but they might be slow, because... Well... Just... She has my name. (And I'd like to get some things unrelated to streaming out soon.)

Anyway, you can read it on dropbox - https://www.dropbox.com/s/a2a5byt1842veif/Princess%20Kay%20Presents_%20A%20Purple%20Snow%20Show.pdf?dl=0

It's currently only on dropbox, and will likely remain a Patreon exclusive for a while. I'd like to say it's a reward for being loyal fans, but while that's part of it...it's also just waaaaaaaay too embarrassing to go public with! (I'll say it again, for the people in the back - don't name characters you might write smut for after yourself, folks. ;;;;; )



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