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So, as some of you may already know, I'm planning to revise, edit, and polish the first ten chapters of Demon Queened to form volume 1. When I finish, I tend to make the ebook available to my $5 and above patrons, on top of putting it on Amazon (and anywhere else that'll take it). But that's going to take a while - 6 months, about, if things go right - so in the meantime, I'm going to release the chapters for the $5 and up patrons as they're finished.

I sincerely hope everyone enjoys~

PS: The current online version will remain free and available for everyone going forward. I currently have no plans to take it down, even after there's a version available for sale. And while I might release some content that's exclusive to the book, any bonus stories I write will be made available to all patrons (though the $5 tier might get them first.)

It's also worth noting that my general plan is to make the books polished enough to be worth paying for, but not so different from the originals that readers of each get a completely different experience. (As chapters are now being edited as they go, as well, instead of long after the fact, I imagine volume 2 onward will more closely resemble the web version. Still, revising editing and polishing does let me fix problems and make adjustments to make the experience more enjoyable, based on feedback, so there are some differences.)


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