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It's a bit shorter than I'd like - about 6,000 words - but that's what felt right for this chapter. I'm going to try and create a backlog of chapters for my editor to work on, which might result in some smaller ones but hopefully also faster ones to match. 

My editor is still without ADHD meds, and will be for another month - which is part of why I want to create a backlog. That, and so that I can post more consistently.

In any case, please enjoy this chapter. More coming soon.

On my site: https://princesskay.net/wp/demon-queened-chapter-12/

On dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bth23hg6pl6e0tt/Demon%20Queened%20-%20Chapter%2012.pdf?dl=0



Love the new chapter! It was a fantastic idea to have perspective shifts, and you write them fabulously. My only question is a rather silly one, how did the blonde in the alleyway know what a Good Samaritan was? Is the world more connected than we realized to ours, or am I overthinking this?


You are the second person to comment on that. It won't be on the final edit - it's just in my vernacular so much I didn't think of it


Thanks for the new chapter, really enjoyed it! I noticed you have been introducing a new character and story-thread every chapter now. Really looking forward to seeing all of them evolve and eventually resolve ;-)