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Well, after a small break (and a brief struggle with depression DX ) I've finished chapter 6! It's actually the longest chapter so far, with the word count clocking in at about 10.4k

I hope nobody minds too much, but I'm counting this one as finished 2/12 (for purposes of when it gets released to the public.) That was my initial goal, and I *did* finish it before midnight... but then editing took over an hour, oops.

In any case, I sincerely hope you enjoy this latest chapter. (If you've been waiting for more smut, this one certainly delivers!)

As for what's coming next - I don't want to overpromise, but I'd like to try and make a valentine's day special (regardless of whether it's actually in time for valentine's.) The story I have in mind features two good male friends and some chocolate-based changes - it'll be released for the $5 dollar tier, and then of course make its way to the public next month. I hope you'll look forward to it!

(And after that? I'm not sure. I'd kind of like to get at least a chapter of something else done, but after taking a break I might just want to write more DQ ;; We'll see.)

Edit: RIGHT, LINKS!!!!! Would be good.

You can read it on my site at https://princesskay.net/wp/demon-queened-chapter-6/ - just log in with your patreon account!

Or you can read it on dropbox at https://www.dropbox.com/s/ixjz0ogaae20w7q/Demon%20Queened%20-%20Chapter%206.pdf?dl=0

Hope you enjoy!

2/18/2021 - Kinda changed a couple of lines in the story? I don't think it's a change most would even notice - I just tried to make Devilla's inner thoughts a bit more clear when she was teasing Lucy.

Not sure it's even worth announcing? But just in case someone read through it twice, noticed something was different and thought they were going crazy. (I mean, I know it would bug me.) 



really enjoying the story. In fact, can't wait for it to continue. As a measure of how hard the wait is... after reading it, I spent almost 4 hours writing a 3200 words omake on how the conversion between Lucy and Devilla might continue... Now what do I do with this...*hands in the air* ;-) I don't want to impede your creative process by posting it.. yet I'd really like someones opinion on it.


...I tried to respond to this earlier, but apparently posted a comment instead of a reply! Deleted it, but what it basically came down to was that I'm honored to have inspired someone else to write about these characters - I honestly wouldn't mind you posting it anywhere, but I really can't read it until after I've finished the next chapter. I'm too easily influenced.