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...Well, I wrote another chapter. Did it in a single day, too. It's slightly shorter than the last two (but only barely, still hitting nearly 9k.) TBH, if I included everything the outline wanted me to put in this chapter, I wouldn't be even halfway done... It always ends up like that with my outlines, though. ^^;

Anyway, you can read it on my site at https://princesskay.net/wp/demon-queened-chapter-3/

Or on dropbox at - https://www.dropbox.com/s/glub5eroyjou4ou/Demon%20Queened%20-%20Chapter%203.pdf?dl=

This will be a patreon exclusive for either two weeks, or until I finish the next update, whichever comes first (....I really need to work on some other series, I know, but it's been a struggle to write lately so part of me feels like I need to write whatever's flowing right, you know?)


Dallas Eden

Interesting......... Whether she wants to admit it or not, Devilla has become a better person, and by doing so perhaps she has broken the cycle. Not only has Abigail noticed it, but now one of her generals has as well. I wonder how long until the news spreads throughout the tower?


It does seem like people are taking notice, huh~? I hope you'll enjoy watching things unfold. <3