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Finally, right? I had to do some heavy revisions on this one, which was followed up by some light editing from my wonderful editor Talia.

Even if you've read the original draft, I highly recommend checking out the revised version, as several things shifted~

You can read it on my site, at https://emilieember.com/wp/hatching-a-heroine-chapter-13/

or you can read it on dropbox at https://www.dropbox.com/s/tg7penjbqor82er/Hatching%20A%20Heroine%20-%20Chapter%2013.pdf?dl=0

Either way, I hope you enjoy! (Hoping to do some A Mermaid's Tail, soon, tho I know I still owe two bonus stories to the $5 patreons.... Sorry, everyone, this month really kicked my ass with depression.)


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