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I'm sorry for the slowness of this update - the story I've just written is over 17,000 words long, easily triple the size of a normal one shot for me (almost 8 times as large as the average series chapter.)

It's my Twisted Fairy Tales Take on Little Red Riding Hood, where Red is a trans woman who's been cursed to shift between masculine and feminine forms with the rising and setting of the sun. She seeks an ancient witch known as Grandma, who built her home in the Cursed Woods.  Unfortunately, Grandma has long avoided people - and what's more, her house is defended by a wolf girl who (for reasons of her own) won't let anyone get close!

Content warnings include: a forced animal transformation, as well as some physical violence (separate from the sexy bits), a near death experience, and some light misgendering. There’s also some implied child abuse in one character’s past.

It's less erotica than it is a story with erotic elements, but I hope you'll all enjoy it nonetheless.

You can read it on my site at https://princesskay.net/wp/red-wolf/

Or you can read it on dropbox at https://www.dropbox.com/s/9cpr97a0fglc5nz/Red%20Wolf.pdf?dl=0

PS: Forgot to mention there's a forced sex swap, as well. It doesn't really get detailed out, however (unlike the animal transformation.)


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