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It gave me quite a bit of trouble, tbh, but I finally managed to write the second chapter of A Mermaid's Tail!

I'm likely following this up with Hatching a Heroine, and then the first chapter of But I Don't Wanna Be a Bimbo, so look forward to both!

You can read the new chapter on dropbox at https://www.dropbox.com/s/8hfdcttrvkdmd8m/A%20Mermaid%E2%80%99s%20Tail%20-%20Chapter%202.pdf?dl=0

Or on my site at: https://emilieember.com/patreon/A%20Mermaid's%20Tail%20-%20Chapter%202.pdf

Username: member

Password: Livingweird

Thank you all for being my patrons - this chapter will be exclusive for 2 weeks, and then I'll move it to the public part of the site.


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