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Chapter four is a little short, and a little rough - but I think it's quite good.

I admittedly wanted to finish it, so that I can get through the writer's block - spent the first half of the month waiting for my GF/editor to move in, and the second half dealing with the flu that came along with her, so now that i'm not bedridden I want to get into the flow of writing every day again.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ptvypl0d84h7iwp/She%20Lives%20Here%20Now%20-%20Chapter%204.pdf?dl=0


(No title)



I like this story. Will there be anymore


Happy to see you back. Another dream, you seem to be hinting that the pale woman can only control Leanne’s dreams when she herself is asleep. She only ever talks to Leanne in her dream and uses that to torment her further. Showing her what she wants her to become and make her repeat after her. Poor Leanne has no escape. The stranger has always had a passive control over her this is the first time she really seems more active in taking Leanne. How she is communicating with her and forcing her self upon her in her dream and smiling when their back to reality. I’m really enjoying this story, thank you.