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Since I'm going public with chapter 1 fairly quickly, I wanted to make sure you guys have access to chapter 2 right away.


Also, I'm really enjoying writing this so I hope you're enjoying reading it - the sexual content goes up a bit, and it'll only get more graphic in chapter 3.


(No title)



Prehaps I'm just a fool but was there supposed to be a link to this?


If you click where it says Dropbox at the top it'll link you. But I honestly forgot to include it in the body as well. DX


A clever start, making it seem like it was possibly just a dream. Leanne even moves by her self, something she was unable to do last night. Than just as quick its taken away. I also love the picture in my head of the white woman using Leanne for a piggy back ride. We get our first body modification which of course starts with the breasts. It does seem The woman is influencing her thoughts on them. As well as slightly darker skin which is interesting considering how pale the invader is. The woman certainly seems to enjoy doing things through Leanne, humming a happy tune, waving to Darla and speaking even when their alone through her lips. Which was a clever way of keeping the invader silent. She also keeps out of sight of Leanne despite her already seeing her before. Now she’s focused on alienating Leanne from her friends or just wants her to feel humiliated. Leanne is testing her control and has discovered she can move herself so long as it doesn’t interfere with what the woman wants. I’m curious to see if this is intended or a small flaw in her power. I learned a little more about Leanne this chapter she stays indoors causing her skin to be pale, she is shy and quiet not speaking much to her co workers, and dressing in jackets and pants covering up her modesty. The invader wants to change all of that. It was a great chapter, I’m glad you enjoyed writing it as I certainly loved reading it. I get the feeling Darla is going to have more of a role as the story goes on. The woman is going to isolate Leanne so she has her all to herself. Perhaps Leanne can find a small way to rebel against her wishes. Whatever the future holds I’m hooked.


You'll have to wait and see. But I'm personally looking forward to Darla's part in this.