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VaM 1.20.1.X is now out of beta and is released to everyone. This patch includes a lot of tweaks and bug fixes, mostly all based on community feedback on the Hub and on the official Discord server. Thank you for your continued help finding and reporting issues! The preferred place to report bugs is now on the Hub as it is much easier to track and reply as needed. With this release, we fixed nearly everything reported on the Hub bug forum! Please see this link to see fixes or report new issues:


There are a few tweaks and bug fixes that we did not complete that we would still like to put into 1.20.1.X, so we will likely followup with another release in a week or so with those. 

As mentioned in the previous release post, we will continue to make refinements on the 1.X platform whenever possible, but the key focus going forward is 2.X development. Currently 2.X work is being done in parallel to 1.X work such as this release. 1.X releases will come out less frequently as focus shifts to the future platform.

Getting This Release:

If you already have VaM and would like to update to, simply launch  VaM_Updater.exe, and click button at bottom to update. If you don't yet have VaM, see the download post  here:


Release Notes:


  • AudioSource - added TogglePause trigger action
  • Clothing - Clothing Creator presets now work just like regular clothing items: favorites fixed, can select existing presets in file browser, screenshots taken on save
  • CustomUnityAsset - realtime reflection probe quality setting now enabled by default
  • Hub - now use browser session cookies for the hub downloads so that download is recorded properly (marks thread as watched)
  • Hub - changed default pay type to free to match with Hub and Dependencies option
  • Hub - connect fail panel now has a close hub button instead of just a retry button
  • Hub - added cancel option when fetching hub info. Allows exit and retry in case Hub is not responding
  • Packaging - var files no longer left open with exclusive lock - allows moving/deleting outside of VaM while VaM is still running
  • Person - Pose presets now save pose morphs with option to turn off if old behavior is desired
  • Possess - Improved Possess and Align Head feature - much better alignment and no shift of control position when possessing
  • Usability - cycle select now takes into account manually selected atoms
  • Usability - mouse scroll camera zoom in/out is now only processed if the mouse is inside the window view

Bug Fixes:

  • Caching - Improved error handling with new json cache files and corrupt json cache files now get automatically regenerated
  • File Browse - Fixed issue with scroll not resetting to top of file browser on page change
  • File Browse - Fixed issue with page not being remembered on reopen of file browser on same path
  • File Browse - Fixed issue with browsers not always refreshing
  • File Browse - Fixed null reference error when saving a scene when the scene browser had not yet been opened which caused the browser to stop working correctly
  • File Browse - Fixed issue with thumbnails not working when a file path had .vam in the path somewhere other than the end suffix
  • Hub - Fixed issue of changed user icon or resource icon not getting refreshed properly in image cache
  • Hub - Fixed issue where dependency panel was not cleared when there were no longer any missing dependencies
  • Hub connect fail panel now properly shows the error message
  • Misc - Fixed dildo toy to properly store spring strength with general presets
  • Misc - Fixed AudioSource Pause action - it was incorrectly clearing the audio clip so it was working more like Stop
  • Misc - Fixed issues with hard reset no longer working
  • Packaging - Fixed issue with package builder New Version of Existing when creator names have special characters (e.g. []) in them
  • Person - Simone skin material fixes - bad normal map assignments
  • Person - Fixed scalp materials not working when using Open in Creator for custom hair
  • Presets - Fixed issue of parameter locks not clearing properly for dynamic items (hair and clothing)
  • Plugins - fixed issue with merge loaded plugins not saving with scene
  • Plugins - fixed issue with multiple loading multiple merge presets in-a-row
  • SubScene - Fixed broken Subscene Master Animation triggers - there were always identified in correctly in belonging or not belonging to the SubScene
  • Triggers - button triggers that turn their containing atom off now work correctly on 1st press when the atom is turned back on.



Lets gooo!


I honestly believe that this is the gateway to something beyond ground breaking. When 2.0 is finally released and VAM is leveraging Unity's latest features such as DOTS. We can see games being developed like L.A. Noir Cyberpunk, Skyrim. All with the high resolution and physics utilized when and where they are needed. With a dedicated dev team and the right leadership, I can see VAM being used to develop the next level of VR gaming.


Has the unity crashing with RTX3080 gpus been addressed?


This is the 1st I have heard of this, but it isn't crashing on my new system with an RTX3080.

Dor Husovd

Really appreciate all your hard work and the response to community feedback. VaM is by far the greatest application ever made for VR and I am extremely happy to support you and the team. Keep up the good work!


I think I'm being dumb but it seems like there are loads of things on hub that I can't find when in app. For example "jaina" look. It's great to see this release though thank you


Anyone running a 2080ti or higher on this game? If so what kind of fps are you getting on scenes with more than 1 character and reflective objects?

Dor Husovd

I run a 3080 and can't ever get over 72 FPS on scenes with more than 1 character. BUT I can set it on Max and it runs without reprojection but my GPU gets super hot


Hello dear Meshed VR! Could you please make it possible to move the slider when setting morphs to -10 \ -1 \ -0.1 \\ + 0.1 \ +1 \ +10? I miss this most for ease of use. I have an Oculus Rift S and its controls are not as accurate. I'm constantly trying to hit a certain number for a good luck. Thank you!


Will we be able to see some teaser captures from 2.0, can't wait


Can you please add an option to disable joint stick control while enabling drag to move control. because I have controler drifting problem in this game. I never have this problem in other vr games. I use WMR.


You can fix deadzone by adjusting in SteamVR. You can also customize the controls completely in SteamVR and remove stick movement control if you prefer. Here is a note on deadzone fix: https://trello.com/c/e15ktUiV You can rebind controls in SteamVR overlay in another menu in there


Is it possible to load character apearence from preset buty without cloting, there are many scene where actors have some scene lore cloting and if i want to use my favorit presets it also change clothing which can break scene flow.


Yes - you can use the new preset lock feature. Go to the clothing presets tab. Check the "Lock Controlled Param Values" box. Now when you load an appearance preset, the clothing won't change. You can also do this with the other types of presets if you want to lock specific things as they currently appear in the scene.


Thank you, its as you stated :) Also thank you for "game" its awesome :D seriously i didnt supoouse someone could create application with so many possibilities and freedom of creation. if i may advise take a closer look with animal/beast models and its morphs. Probably you know about Project Helius and his Fallen Doll Operation Lovecraft (which is based mainly on beast of all kind fetish) and have almost 13000 patrons(edited: 15500 now :) ). i think it would be great addition for VAM project. :D


I remember experimenting with poser from curious labs and vue from e-on software back in 2003-2006,.. Nice to see that we can use VR with this project.


Any idea when AR mode will be implemented for VR ?


Is this Project dead?


No! 2.X is being actively developed and is in early phase development so there will not be frequent updates. A large 1.X release is also about to come out.


After the upcoming 1.X release is out (very soon) I will also provide some 2.X details. 2.X will take quite a lot of time to fully develop. Alpha releases will be made available as we go.


Please see this post for the latest 2.X information. We will also provide a 2.X update in the coming weeks. https://www.patreon.com/posts/release-and-42743488


OK, all right, wait and see and have some tea.


How do i connect my oculus quest 2??


Via Virtual Desktop or Link. You have to install Steam VR. ;)


For those of us that are extremely impatient but also excited! Could we perhaps get a few tidbits on what to expect from the soon to come 1.X update? Tysm!


You can see nearly everything that will be in the next 1.X release here, but there are a few surprises we have not yet announced that we don't want to spoil. The release will be out very soon! https://trello.com/b/LDlEpfvk/virt-a-mate-public-plans


keep up the hard work cant wait for 2X


sometimes we just need a reminder that this is the greatest program ever created by man


Will it be better in handling more persons ? i updated system to kinda uber pc( i10900, 3090, 32GB 4300 RAM) for your "game"(or rather entertaining fantasy system) and was shocked that when i create scene with old classic room and 3 persons (with nice cloths and hairs) and max prefference settings i got 10FPS :D lol i was supposed to play on Pimax8KX with that , and have no problem with many biig applications.