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Download and install 1.20 : https://www.patreon.com/posts/downloading-and-32794384

Then enter this key once running Virt-a-Mate to unlock the "Entertainer" content:




Hallo, ich brauche einmal Hilfe, wenn ich den Creator Key einlöse kommt folgende Meldung im Spiel: Exception while storing key Access to the path....is denied... was bedeutet das ? ich kann den key nicht aktivieiren


The instructions on the download post say to install in directory not protected by admin privileges which is probably your issue here. Make a new folder on your main or secondary drive and place VaM inside of that.


Thanks bro


Hi there, I would like to configure the keys to move in the scene to arrow keys instead of WASD. How can I do that please ?


You can use this community created plugin from AcidBubbles to do it since we don't support key rebinding in the app officially: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/keybindings.4400/


I've noticed every time I enter E25714 it tells me its incorrect, any ideas?


invalid key


i'm getting the invalid key message


If you are getting invalid key, it could be you are not using 1.20.X.X version of VaM. Run VaM_Updater.exe in your install folder and look to see what version you are running. It should show this in bottom left. The latest version is If that matches, your build might be corrupt. Click the Option buttons, and click Sync / Repair Core. This should fix any issue with corruption. Then launch VaM and try to re-enter the key. Also make sure you type it exactly as it appears here. If you cut and paste, you might be pasting in extra characters (space, newline, etc.). Also make sure you did not install VaM in a read-only folder or admin protected folder (like Program Files) as they key file will not be able to be written to disk.