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The Content Delivery Network (CDN) I'm using has stopped support for TLS 1.0 and 1.1. Windows 7 defaults to TLS 1.0. Many other sites and CDNs are planning similar deprecation of these protocols. Windows 7 is capable of supporting TLS 1.2. It just needs to be enabled.

Please apply this Windows 7 update to get the VaM updater working. This fix will also be required for the future in-game download of add-on packages from the CDN, and not just the updater. Use either Method 1 or Method 2 as described in the link here (you do not need to read the detail in More Information unless you want to know what this fix is doing under the hood):


Edit: You must take this additonal step listed in the link above: 

Run Windows registry editor regedit and add this entry to your registry to enable TLS 1.2:

Registry location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Client  
DWORD name: DisabledByDefault
DWORD value: 0

If you are not familiar with editing your Windows registry, here is a step-by-step guide for this specific issue:





Could you maybe put an build on Mega every 6 months or so ? I would also like to not make registry modifications. Hope that you have a grand day !


"could not create SSL/TLS secure channel" error help needed: WIN7 TLS1.2 is installed and working. Tested on https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/viewMyClient.html

VR Ambassador

Better Update to Windows 10

VR Ambassador

Wonder how People get their HMD working properly in this old piece of software.


I'm somewhat surprised VaM works in Windows 7 as well (probably desktop only?)


Hello ,I confirm, it works under windows 7, with the creation of key in the registry. Thank :)


Windows 10 is bloated, keylogging, anti-user garbage lol. Thanks for the fix though.


Windows 10 is amazing. And when i say amazing, i mean it. Why? For starters, its 100% FREE. If you are one of these people worried MS is working with the GOVT to monitor your online habits in order to build a evil clone version of yourself, its VERY easy to block any "keylogging".

Patrice Desy

Hello, I have WIN 10 Pro and the launcher is not working anymore, any ideas ?


me too .its shows me Error during Init:System.Net.WebException .cant reach SSL/TLS

Patrice Desy

yes. I am getting a red exclamation point on the launcher and then it crashes :( too bad because this is the best out there and used to work perfeclty.


If you add the line "ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12" to the updater's startup code, users won't have to make the registry change :)


If you're on Win 10 and get an error message, don't be an idiot like me and try to apply this fix which is meant for an older version of Windows. Just download the new updater executable and place it over the old one.

Ben W.

Is this a fucking joke? I wont edit my Win7 only for executing a dubios updater to get content I bought. Get us a build to download on mega or something.


We put out frequent updates. Do you want to have to download 16GB for each patch that is only a few MBs?


Hi! I actually have this problem on win 10. I may ask if this fix works for it before try ? THanks!


This issue is only for Windows 7. Windows 10 has TLS 1.2 already enabled. You probably have a different issue. Most likely you are using the old updater. Please download the newest version of the updater mentioned in the post here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/35007081