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Download and install 1.19 : https://www.patreon.com/posts/downloading-and-32794384

Then enter this key into the main window of Virt-A-Mate to unlock the "Creator" content:



Keith Davenport

FYI Mesh: For whatever reason, I did not receive the Creator key in my email, although I always have before. I received only the Teaser and Entertainer keys. Had to come here to retrieve the Creator key.


Your keys for 1.19 aren't tagged as keys. FYI. :-)

Keith Davenport

Interesting. The message got filtered differently than the others. I did get the email after all.


key doesn't work with VaM_Release1.9.zip, please help.


thank you now it's working


1.9 is a much older version. Use the link above. It describes how to get the updater which will allow you to get 1.19


So, my 1.19 was working perfectly. I mistakingly hard shut-off my machine while running VAM. Since then, VAM will not launch at all. I've tried downgrading and re-upgrading to the latest version, as well as reinstalling all together. Not sure how to troubleshoot this issue. Any help would be appreciated!


The same...in VR-mode it crashes short after the welcome screen - desktop mode works fine... but...


It may indicate your GPU is overheating. VR mode is much more demanding. You might also be low on memory if you are not using virtual memory. https://trello.com/c/c5WWHlnn/1441-vamexe-crashing-help


new updater version works great! I'm really glad i didn't have to do a full download again!


I've just done a clean install of and the web browser is coming up gray. I can't get it to go anywhere. I've enabled web in user preferences > security and opened up firewall for VAM. I'm running Windows 10 on a Shadow Cloud GPU. Any ideas?


Actually, after a few hours, I vaguely figured it out. I just had to install Unity. Strange.


i have to enter the key every time i start. What am I doing wrong?


You have likely put VaM into an admin-protected directory (like Desktop or Program Files) and VaM cannot save out the key file or any other files (preferences, saves, etc.). You would need to move to a directory that has open permissions.


What is the key for paid patreon members for VaM? Thank you.


Where is the default install path? I cant change it on the launcher v2.3.0.0 and I cant find it anywhere in my program files.


This information is all in the link in this post. You must place the updater into the folder you want to put VaM in and then run the updater and it installs into that directory.


the key wont work for me :(


Make sure you capitalize the "C" didn't work for me until I did


my key does not work as well


same here key invalid. - nvm in the maze of clickthroughs i must have ended here while i needed the 1.2 key which worked... my bad and good job on the release