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It was long overdue but I have finally added a copy/paste system. For 1.15.1 it will only be available in some material UI panels, but under the hood copy/paste is generically enabled. You can trigger copy/paste using new actions available on every storable, and plugin writers can also access this system. I'll try to detail more in the wiki since there will be questions. For 1.16 I'll be adding more copy/paste buttons to the UI for other things besides materials.

1.15.1 should be out later today or early tomorrow for your enjoyment.

Thank you loyal backers for enabling me to keep on doing this full time! Your support is greatly appreciated.



1.15.1 New Feature Demo

This video shows off: - new copy/paste of materials - fix to transparency shaders to not cause ghost holes when overlapping other objects - new textures added to GardenPartyDress - additional material slots for GardenPartyDress - short undress demo highlighting new friction parameters



Ive been a Creator backer for over a year now, every dollar has been worth it! Keep up the amazing work


Great, can't wait. ;-)


Ma' Man!


is the update still coming out today?


I remember asking for this! Thank you for this implementation!