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Download 1.11 (see Release 1.11 post)

Then enter this key into the main window of Virt-A-Mate to unlock the "Creator" content:




i have an active creator Subscription. but the key is invalid? why


none of keys are working and my membership of a creator is active. also Money has gone out of my bank account. is this scam?


Not a scam, the dev is asleep, he will help you when he wakes up.


If you have error with key when you launch, this is probably because you have others keys on your key.json file, you can edit this file, and let only the last key.


I have same problem, invalid key, will try and edit the file.


Edited it still not working.


Yep, same problem here. I already had a creator key saved from a previous version, but I added the new one (just in case the features are versioned to the key or anything) and I'm now being told I have no keys (not even free!) ... the file had one F key and two C keys. Opening the file in Wordpad, and removing the line with the old C key, and saving the file, solved the problem.


I had no key issues.. though I had to force the update to get the thing updated to the lastest.


If you're still having key issues ensure your json file has one entry and there's no trailing comma.


can confirm... removing old keys with text editor fixed the error.


Did you download the new installer mentioned in the release post? The new keys only work with the updated version.


Did you download the new installer mentioned in the release post? The new keys only work with the updated version.


I cant even edit my key.json. Saying i need permission to even open the file.

No Thanks

The hair sims are excellent - bravo


I have run the latest installer and the panel begins to display all the versions and patches etc, the progress bar says something like "Cleaning VAM directory" however it would appear to be doing nothing and never progresses past this stage, I have left it for sever hours just in case its a very slow process but it doesn't progress any further...anybody had this?

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I had issues, but I just installed it to a new directory - then transferred scenes etc. over afterwards.


Hadn't thought of that, thanks for the tip


Just to confirm, you can have any number of keys and have it working, i just got around to installing 1.11 myself and it works fine with multiple keys, so my guess is the people above tried editing the key.json file themselves without really knowing json, so instead just use the key input box in the game window :)

Rachael White

Mine just says invalid key. I have tried the suggestions so far

Rachael White

What do you guys mean, removed the key? What am I supposed to edit?

Rachael White

The Key Json... what do I do?

No Thanks

Open it in Notepad, what do you see? Does it show the C64686 key? You might just try reinstalling to a new directory, that seems to fix all issues if you can't solve it.

Rachael White

No it had some other key on it. I changed it

Jörg Steinwagner

The key is not accepted. It says "Invalid Key"


My suggestion is to remove key.json file, then run VaM_Updater.exe, click Options, and then click Force Repair. This will download new base key.json file and fix any other files that are a problem. Then re-enter the creator key.


My suggestion is to remove key.json file, then run VaM_Updater.exe, click Options, and then click Force Repair. This will download new base key.json file and fix any other files that are a problem. Then re-enter the creator key. Also - make sure you are using 1.11 version of VaM_Updater.exe (see the 1.11 release post to get it).


My 2 vive Thumbpad buttom are useless in this game,only the mouse can be use?How can I fixed?


This key is invalid


Can not find where to enter the code I paid for? Game opens with a woman by the pool, then says become a patron to unlock more?


You have to enter the key on the desktop screen right when VaM starts. That should enable more buttons to choose from


Make sure you downloaded and installed 1.11 release. You might try a clean install in a new directory if it still does not work

No Thanks

The physics settings seem to reset in the process of animating/positioning which can be really annoying. It would also be great to have the option of arms as the controllers, so you don't have to possess and drag the entire damn body around if you want to use hands.


same key invalidd triedupdating , changing json key to new keys


I need help with this im new to this