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Download 1.5 (see Release 1.5 post). 

Then enter this key into the main window of Virt-A-Mate to unlock the "Entertainer" content: 




Returns "invalid key"


Did you download and install version 1.5? This key only works with the new release.


Ah, that'd probably be the reason.


I don't know if it's just an issue I'm having, but the menu buttons keep breaking in this version for me, I'll lose the ability to to possess any body parts, or change the camera to free mode. I've had it happen twice in the last hour or so.


I'll keep an eye out for this. If you don't mind, you could run "VaM (Logged)" shortcut. This will create a log.txt file that I could analyze to see if there are any error messages that might indicate an issue. When it happens, simply exit VaM and send me the log.txt that is created. I'll take a look.


Download superfast this time but not functional. Entertainer Key accepted.. then infinite loading screen ( Loading atom person). Dont know what went wrong 😣


The 1st time you run VaM, it could take a long time to load the person atom. Give it some time and it should load. If it doesn't load after several minutes, you can try running "VaM (Logged)" shortcut and it will output log.txt. You could then send that to me and it might have a clue what is happening.


will their be twerking ?