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During my final testing I ran into some issues in the built application that were not apparent in the editor. These are difficult to debug and address and it takes nearly 30 minutes to rebuild the app these days (something I will improve for next release so I can be more productive). The main issue is rather serious as it prevents all clothing from rendering and that was a huge part of 1.4. So I must fix before I can release.

In any case, I have only had an hour of sleep in last 34 hours and I need to catch some ZZZs before I can solve these last few issues. Not exactly sure when it will be out, but hopefully tomorrow. I was really trying to complete today, but it looks like it just won't make it. Apologies for those eagerly awaiting your holiday present.



Goodnight, sweet Dreams

GT Scenes

Really appreciate you keeping us updated though. Rest well!


Get some sleep!


Sleep well, you have certainly deserved it.


Communication is half the battle. Health however is the other half, so grab a good night's rest and keep up the great work! We'll still be here tomorrow!


no problem - sleep well, mistakes are better :-)


Dude! take some time off. Enjoy the holidays :-)


Dude, keep up the good work! We've got your back!!! <3


repose toi bien, une bonne nuit de sommeil, ça va te remettre les idées en place...


rest well, a good night's sleep, it'll get you ideas in place ...


Best In-development adult game on the internet, sleep well stay vigilant! We all await patiently for each glorious update, keep up the great work!


Take your time!


PUBG was supposed to release today, but they pushed it back to tomorrow, too. So it happens to the big boys as well! You're in good company!


Get rest, it will be worth the wait :)


No problem mate, thanks


no problem :)


no problem, sleep well


No problem .Take care. Good things come to those who can wait :)


No problem! Take your time and get some sleep.


Have a nice dream .we will always support u.


Thanks for trying your best- we'll hang tight and wait for the good news tomorrow!


Boooooooooo. Santa is bringing you coal for lying


Have a good snoozles.


Thanks for the update :D


Good night. Dream of me ;p


Always better to rest your brain. Solutions are almost always forged by REMming.


Imagine he delivers the update on Christmas Eve? Lol. Sends 2600 people to watching porn instead of doing christmassy things. Go rest. Nobody is going anywhere.


Get some sleep. We'll support You!


As long as this releases before the end of the month it's cool! I was just worried that it would be delayed until next month, that wouldnt make me or us very happy . You gotta rest too man


Don't kill yourself man, its all good. Take your time and make it awesome. Get some rest and spend some time with your family! Priorities first. It was because of this crunch approach to the creation and release of Toy Story Two that one of the animators accidentally left his toddler in the car seat of his parked car, because of pure exhaustion, true story, thankfully the kid was fine. (That's from the book Creativity Inc, by Edwin Catmull founder of Pixar.) 1.4 is gonna be great.... we can wait :)


Do not read this comment! Go to sleep!


Thanks for working so hard. Take ur time, go sleep.


Don’t kill your self for a game. the best way to loose interest in a passion project is to burn your self out. Have a good holiday.


Aw shucks. Don't burn your self out and take your time. Thanks for the update too.




My recommendation, after being frustrated with 2-3 month delays between updates from other projects (which I don't back anymore) is to take more bite-size pieces for updates, and then a wishlist for more if things go quickly. Monthly updates are important in showing progress, but you don't have to make mega-updates every time. Also get some rest :)


A Patreon Guy, I think Meshed VR has the wish list covered here: <a href="https://trello.com/b/LDlEpfvk/virt-a-mate-public-plans" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://trello.com/b/LDlEpfvk/virt-a-mate-public-plans</a>


right, we should take this release as bonus / xmas edition, so it took a little more time, no big deal :) I have no worries about this project at all ;)


Hope everything goes well. Hope to see the Build today :D


No problem !!!! Keep up the good work, we can wait ! Love your software BTW


Take whatever time you need bro. This stuff aint easy. Patience is.


I like this community. This is a good community. It's rare that a game dev gets so much unanimous support.


No worries Meshed, that's understandable, have to sleep a little, we can wait.Good luck for the completion of the 1.4, and it will come when it will be good ;)


Fortunately my kids are old enough to unlock doors and feed themselves. haha! :)


I'll take a bit of time off after this release to recharge. No worries though I love this stuff!


Don’t burn yourself out! Health is most important, we can wait lol


That Patron count is going up at a good pace. Guess word is getting out about this game. It's gone up by around 200 since in joined 2 weeks ago.


Please be safe, I don't mind a delay and I'm sure the rest of us don't mind either.


I just discovered this project and from the few hours I have had to play it, VAM is pretty extraordinary. And it is awesome to see so much support from the community as Meshed is working so hard to get the latest build out - really makes me want to be involved. Best wishes Meshed, you're awesome.


super eager for 1.4, any news on an actual release?


Hoping we can get it before tomorrow :D


I finally found the root issue that was causing the builds to not have clothing assets working. I have fixed that and am now onto the other final details. I plan on working as much as possible tonight to complete the rest of the release.


fantastic great work!, we all cant wait lol been checking every half an hour


We appreciate your dedication, do take good care for the holidays, and that goes for this fantastic MeshVR commmunity too.


Take your time. A good release late is better than a bad one on time.


Gotta love the dedication


the crazy part is as far as i can tell this is all made by ONE DUDE imagine when this kind of adult entertainment gets mainstream enough for there to be REAL money behind it. what a time to be alive


I'm sure that's correct, plus this is the most realistic one aside from VRgirlz, which I think crapped out. I was playing honey select, I actually got rid of those and just play this one now. The community makes a lot of scenes and the developer keeps us up to date on everything and is up front. It's just great overall


I wonder if it'll be released tonight :)


Tonight is a relative term. I plan on staying up until it is done...might regret saying that in a few hours.

matthew b

is the update out ?

matthew b

how many mins ?


hahaha lol 5 more. jk.


Unleash the sexy!!!


ಠ‿ಠ + 5


No rush, just wondering if it’ll be done within 2 hours or so? Wondering if I should just hit the bed or not lol


Bed. That way you get some sleep. And if its right, it'll be out. If it's not, then it's not. :) stop pestering lol... and hear i am ... TFB


1. I didn’t know meshed hired a secretary?


I'm super close now, but I'm completely out of steam. Need to get a couple hours of sleep and then I'll get back to it. Also ordered a new computer which should speed things up for future releases. 30 minute build times and memory issues are killing me.


All good dude, hang in there. If you do, we will! Thanks for the hard work! I know this will be awesome!


@Meshed VR Go to sleep :) is very important for you're healt.....and the 1.5 :D :D :D ^^ You make a real dream in digital, my wife like too ^^ AWESOME :3


Hello. Are you awake now?


Yeah actually still awake...trying to finish up last few things and then I can kick off what I think is final build. I can sleep some while it is building. :)


You're a machine.


Got to admire the commitment, awesome work by the way, go get some sleep bruh....


Hey, we are patreons, not shareholders. Have sleep, do what you do best, and a day or two does matter not.


some of us have families after all. Maybe most of us do...otherwise why would we want vrporn instad of real :) or is it just me?


All my this. That's one of the great things about the concept of Patreon...so long as there remains good faith between both parties, we can treat each other like human beings rather than business parties attached to strict deadlines. While naturally both we and he should expect/aim for some degree of regularity and quality in releases, understanding and earnest support for individual well-being is just as important. Don't forget, Meshed updates his Trello regularly to maintain a wonderful degree of transparency, a practice all creators should consider adopting.


This discussion is more fun than the game..


Very engaged community I must say. I like it. How's everybody holding out? ;)


Good I managed to simulate breathing action by attaching torque force to abdomen mode, it is locked relative to body, so will work with body in all orientations. Also attached grab at hip level to own virtual feet to simulate walking etc while in possession mode. Not sure if useful.

GT Scenes

Refreshing this page multiple times today like crazy.


I think the active community is largely due to Meshed's active participation and transparency with the project. Plus it doesn't hurt that everybody is genuinely very hyped for the product.

Randy Brooks

It can wait. Don't kill yourself to make it happen. Make sure you take time now to spend time with family and friends. You only get so many holidays with people you care about on this big blue marble. Merry Christmas, or whatever event you choice to celebrate.


Thanks all for your kind words and encouragement! I'm back on it after some much needed rest! I'm testing what I think is the final build now. I fixed over nearly 20 issues (most small) over the last 48 hours to try to keep the quality high. VaM has gotten bigger so it is getting harder and harder to test everything. I don't want to hold you off much longer, so if I find minor issues, I will not delay, I will just list them in known issues section and hope for a patch at a later date (or possibly just next release if it isn't terrible). What is left after the final run through testing is zip up, upload, and make the release notes and posts! That all does take some more time (I do some of it while zip is uploading), but I really don't think it will be long now! Thanks for your patience!


Yay brother!


Thx a lot for your great work! Plz get more sleep in future. I fear you are getting burned out!!!


Dont put yourself so much pressure plz!


My body is ready :D


I'll be better about this going forward. I try to do too much sometimes and this is what happens...


Think it has a chance of coming out within the next few hours? So excited to try it out!


hey man, me too but let's not rush the sole creator. take as long as you need meshed!


The more fixes the better :) Nice to have a creator who cares about the polish of their product.


Big Up for The Artist, you are a perfectionnist man, we can understand.


It's all good as long as the communication is there. It's only when you have radio silence when there is a prob. Keep it up.


I think it’s mostly the surprise of the specifics what you’re tweaking/adding that makes the wait for difficult lol. I think if we knew more of what’s coming we would ease up and stop checking every 5 minutes lmao


It is mundane things like Santa Hat only work 1st time you turn it on, and then it stops working until you restart or hard reset. That is just 1 example. Had about 3 or 4 of these little things I just don't like to put in if they are a known issue and I can fix very easily. If the fix is something that will take longer than 10 minutes, I will hold off. One example I just hit is the new hair morphs are not saving on the scene save. This is getting listed in Known Issues instead of getting fixed before release since it will take more work to correct. But because of this I had to modify a few scenes to change hair so it would look right.


Hang in there bud!


Thanks for the updates Meshed. You should know, patreons are only so active /hyped/vocal because we love your product and work. You're more active and responsive than Blizzard or who-ever. Keep up the good work (Y)


you got 'er


I do believe that I have never been so excited for a game update!


I'm a developer and I speak from experience when I say the development place you've been keeping is quite impressive. Keep it up, but guard against fatigue. We don't want you to burn yourself out.


Yeah man, we're all anxious as hell but you're work is phenomenal and we want you to STAY HEALTHY enough to keep working on it! Don't burn yourself out!


Can't wait for the new version, keep up the great work. Doesn't matter when the new version comes out, I'm looking forward to it for sure. The amount you're doing as a solo developer is astonishing.


Ima just sit here and wait


Looks like build has just about passed through QA team (me!) testing. All the issues I found earlier have been fixed! Only a few more small tests to run.


Fingers crossed everybody!!!


Awesome message to see, cus I just got home from work lol


We're gonna break the servers when you give us the go ahead!


This is the first time I've ever refreshed a Patreon page on an hourly basis LMAO


F5 F5 F5 F5 F5


Haha I think Jim's on to something here... 1.5?


Good job. Go Go Go !


Uhhhhhhh is this where I pick up my chicken alfredo??


1.5 is the tassel update :) resource found here <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_p0GyOILLlw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_p0GyOILLlw</a>


this is like edging but with a videogame


My keyboard F5 button's font is erased!


Just had a terrible vision of Meshed passed out in a puddle of drool on his keyboard, an endless stream of mashed qwerty repeating through his code. Surely Trello should be helping to avoid the crunch, maybe the next release can be a little less ambitious. :) We're certainly not a demanding bunch, we really appreciate the effort! Audio will be such a beast, maybe it can be done in little chunks.


Also happy holidays and merry Christmas eve eve eve


Upload complete. :)


Y'all got any of them download links.


I'm so excited and I just can't hide it...


mine doesnt even Work anymore since Meshed post about the release on the 20th :DDD Idk how to fix it.


F5 F5 F5


oh crap just found another bug


just a few more mins (for real)


Real count down


I just came a little






Meshed will get a nice dream tonight .


Please do not start taking drugs


drug not ok


warming up my fleshlight as we speak


it's ok i'm going to sleep for 2 days now. hope you guys don't find any show stopping bugs that prevents you from completing your business. :)


How many people are naked right now with VR headsets on? Likes count as votes too...


how fast is your internet access? Nearly 4GB. :(


I'm looking into new incremental install/patch system to avoid this massive download every time...


wat! i get to wait 6 hours ;(


ok guys seriously hope you enjoy it and lives up to the delay and probably too big of hype. many more hype-worthy things in future though. :)


yeah all the clothing and hair textures added a huge amount to this build


Seriously, your the best!


I'm most excited for future of animation of parameters and the trigger system. That will make for some serious creative options.