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how do you access the character customization tab?


With the UI open look around the scene while touching A or X on Rift Touch, or touch thumpad on Vive. You should see some targets and icons. Look around for one that is a person icon. Point your controller at it and press A or X on Touch or press thumpad on Vive. That selects the person. Now in the UI you should see a whole bunch of tabs that control morphs, clothing, skin, hair, etc.

Skeeter Zymbal

The controllers track, but I can't interact with the UI at all. I can't even get past the loading screen!


Try this fix: Run 'VaM Config (Run This 1st Time)' shortcut and hit play from there. UI interaction should now work. In future, you should only have to run the regular 'VaM.exe' to start.

Skeeter Zymbal

I do see a tiny, flickering red dot on the screen, but it's straight forward and distant, not close to the ready button. I never see any change in the ready button nor does it have a red dot or cursor on it. I DO see red and blue laser pointers from the controllers, as well as the red and blue balls of the controllers themselves. Pressing A or X (and all other buttons) does not change the tint of the button.

Skeeter Zymbal

Clarification: the tiny flickering dot is present regardless of the position of the lasers, and it's behind and to the left of the posed model.


Is the 4$ please enough to create custom scenes?


Pledge not please lol


With $4 (Entertainer) you can load other scenes/presets others make. With Entertainer, you could also modify existing scenes to your liking, but not fully save them. You can save character presets though - which saves poses and appearances. With Creator you get more options to mess around with (additional parameters, add new objects, etc.) and full scene save is included.


will there ever be voice understanding and responsiveness